Report of the Royal Commission on Pilotage. Part II : study of Canadian pilotage, Pacific coast and Churchill / Honourable Mr. Justice Yves Bernier, chairman. : Z1-1962/2-2E-PDF

"Part II mainly concerns the navigable waters on the west coast of Canada, all of which are now contained in the Pilotage Districts of British Columbia and New Westminster. It also includes the only small official pilotage organization in the far northern waters of Canada : the Pilotage District of Churchill. From the information before the Commission, it would appear that at present pilotage services are not required elsewhere in the far northern waters of Canada."--Introducdtion, p.20 of 445.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Privy Council Office.
Title Report of the Royal Commission on Pilotage. Part II : study of Canadian pilotage, Pacific coast and Churchill / Honourable Mr. Justice Yves Bernier, chairman.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Historical publication digitized in 2008 by Privy Council Office of Canada.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Privy Council Office 1968.
Description 152, 109, 146, 38p.graphs, tables
Catalogue number
  • Z1-1962/2-2E-PDF
Subject terms Commissions of inquiry
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