Statistics Canada - Statistique Canada

Provincial economic accounts, annual estimates - Tables and analytical document


This product provides a regional perspective on Canadian economic developments. It includes separate sets of statistical tables, organized in a manner similar to those in product 13-001-PPB, National income and expenditure accounts, quarterly estimates - Tables and analytical document, for each of the twelve provinces and territories. The focus is on each region's Gross Domestic Product, final domestic demand, personal disposable income and government sector accounts.

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2007 Estimates
(PDF - 2387K)
2007 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2375K)
2006 Estimates
(PDF - 2799K)
2006 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2783K)
2005 Estimates
(PDF - 2798K)
2005 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2772K)
2004 Estimates
(PDF - 2245K)
2004 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2740K)
2003 Estimates
(PDF - 2253K)
2003 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2710K)
2002 Estimates
(PDF - 8913K)
2002 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2652K)
2001 Estimates
(PDF - 1996K)
2001 Preliminary estimates
(PDF - 2285K)
2000 Annual estimates
(PDF - 2051K)
1999 Annual estimates
(PDF - 8057K)
1998 Annual estimates
(PDF - 8155K)