Library of Parliament


BP-341E The Aboriginal Fisheries and The Sparrow Decision (October 1993)
BP-428E Aboriginal Fishing Rights: Supreme Court Decisions (October 1996)
BP-309E Aboriginal People and Taxation (September 1992)
BP-175E Aboriginal People: History of Discriminatory Laws (November 1991)
BP-412E Aboriginal Peoples and the 1995 Quebec Referendum: A Survey of the Issues (February 1996)
BP-459E Aboriginal Title: The Supreme Court of Canada Decision in Delgamuukw v.British Columbia (February 2000)
BP-359E Aboriginal Political Representation: A Review of Several Jurisdictions (February 1994)
PRB 00-09E The Crown's Fiduciary Relationship With Aboriginal Peoples (18 December 2002)
PRB 99-16E Aboriginal and Treaty Rights [In Brief] (13 July 2000)
PRB 99-19E Aboriginal Self-Government [In Brief] (27 September 1999)
PRB 99-2E The Nisga'a Final Agreement (24 September 2001)
PRB 99-24E The Report Of The Royal Commission On Aboriginal Peoples (October 1999)
96-2E Aboriginal Self-Government (17 June 1999)
LS-408E Bill C-33: Nunavut Waters and Nunuvut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (27 March 2002)
LS-415E Bill C-37: Claim Settlements (Alberta And Saskatchewan) Implementation Act (14 March 2002)
LS-422E Bill C-39, The Yukon Act (3 April 2002)
LS-324E Bill C-49:  An Act providing for the ratification and the bringing into effect of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (22 October 1998)
LS-399E Projet De Loi S-24 : Loi Sur Le Gouvernement Du Territoire Provisoire De Kanesatake (8 juin 2001)
MR-130E Income Tax Exemption for Status Indians: Revenue Canada's New Policy (19 January 1995)
MR-125E Indian Reserves: Procedure for Adding Land (14 November 1994)
BP-410E Indian Status and Band Membership Issues (February 1996)
MR-131E Suicide among Aboriginal People: Royal Commission Report (23 February 1995)
LS-431E Bill C-6: The Specific Claims Resolution Act (10 October 2002)