Department of Finance, working paper : F21-8-PDF

Working papers are circulated in the language of preparation only, with a summary in both official languages to make analytic work undertaken by the staff available to a wider readership. The papers have received only limited evaluation and do not reflect the views of the Department of Finance. Comments on the working papers are invited and may be sent to the author(s).--Web site (

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Department/Agency Canada. Department of Finance.
Title Department of Finance, working paper
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Electronic
Note(s) "Working papers are circulated in the language of preparation only, with a summary in both official languages to make analytic work undertaken by the staff available to a wider readership. The papers have received only limited evaluation and do not reflect the views of the Department of Finance. Comments on the working papers are invited and may be sent to the author(s)."--Web site (
Articles in their original languages.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Finance Canada
Chronology 2003-10 --
Frequency Irregular
Catalogue number
  • F21-8-PDF
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