Sodium reduction strategy for Canada : recommendations of the Sodium Working Group : H164-121/2010E

Presents the strategy to reduce sodium consumption by Canadians recommended by the Multi- Stakeholder Working Group on Sodium Reduction (also referred to as the Sodium Working Group). The establishment of the Sodium Working Group (SWG) to develop and oversee the implementation of a population health strategy for reducing sodium intake among Canadians was announced by the Minister of Health in late 2007. The recommendations provided by this report are directed at all levels of government, as well as non-governmental organizations, consumers, industry and other relevant stakeholders.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Health Canada. |
Title | Sodium reduction strategy for Canada : recommendations of the Sodium Working Group |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Paper |
Other formats | Electronic-[English] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Health Canada July 2010. |
Binding | Softcover |
Description | x, 69p. : coloured figs., graphs, references, tables ; 28 cm. |
ISBN | 978-1-100-16232-4 |
Catalogue number |
Subject terms | Health protection |
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