Audit of key financial processes - Strategy and Plans Directorate - final report / by Paragon Review and Consulting Inc. : R62-411/2010E-PDF

To confirm whether due diligence is being exercised in key management processes within Strategy and Plans Directorate and to provide assurance to senior management that processes and controls in place are adequate to ensure compliance with TBS and PCA policies and practices.
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Department/Agency | Parks Canada. Office of Internal Audit and Evaluation. |
Collaborating author | Paragon Review and Consulting Inc. |
Title | Audit of key financial processes - Strategy and Plans Directorate - final report / by Paragon Review and Consulting Inc. |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Other formats | Paper-[English | French] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Parks Canada. 2010. |
Description | 44p.tables |
ISBN | 978-1-100-16482-3 |
Catalogue number |
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