Inventory & assessment of sustainable community best practice guides for the Canadian housing sector : final report : NH18-1/319-2009E-PDF

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Department/Agency Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Title Inventory & assessment of sustainable community best practice guides for the Canadian housing sector : final report
Variant title Inventory and assessment of sustainable community best practice guides for the Canadian housing sector = Répertoire et évaluation des guides de pratiques exemplaires pour des collectivités durables à l'intention du secteur canadien de l'habitation
Series title Research report
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Includes: Research highlight (Socio-economic series 09-023) under the title "Theory and assessment of sustainable community best practice guides for the Canadian housing sector". -- Y compris: Le point en recherche (Série socio-économique 09-023) sous le titre "Répertoire et évaluation des guides de pratiques exemplaires pour des collectivités durables à l'intention du secteur canadien de l'habitation".
(Comprend du texte en français.)
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2009.
Description 279p.glossary, graphs, tables
Catalogue number
  • NH18-1/319-2009E-PDF
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