Interprovincial trade barriers towards goods and services in Canada : an issues paper for Industry Canada / [by] John Whalley. : Iu182-1/2007-8E-PDF

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Industry Canada. Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch.
Title Interprovincial trade barriers towards goods and services in Canada : an issues paper for Industry Canada / [by] John Whalley.
Variant title Roundtable on Internal trade, opportunities and challenges (2007 : Ottawa, Ont.)
Series title Working paper series2007-08
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "This research paper is one of four prepared for the Human Resources and Social Development Canada-Industry Canada Roundtable on 'Internal Trade: Opportunities and Challenges' which was held in Ottawa on March 30, 2007"--p.3 of 41.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Industry Canada.
Description 41p.figs., references, tables
Catalogue number
  • Iu182-1/2007-8E-PDF
Departmental catalogue number IC 60410
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