Social housing redevelopment and regeneration in Canada : eight case studies : NH18-23/111-006E-PDF

The study examined approaches and lessons learned in the redevelopment and regeneration of eight social and affordable housing projects in Canada. The report presents the key findings of the eight case studies, which focused on the main drivers and objectives for redevelopment, considerations during the planning and implementation of redevelopment, and the outcomes.
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Department/Agency | Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. |
Title | Social housing redevelopment and regeneration in Canada : eight case studies |
Series title | Research highlight. Socio-economic series11-006 |
Publication type | Series - View Master Record |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Other formats | Paper-[English] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation December 2011. |
Description | 8p.table |
Catalogue number |
Departmental catalogue number | 67556 |
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