Employee fatality - Total Track Railway Construction and Maintenance Services Inc. (under contract to Canadian National Railway) Nordco Grabber Model A Spike Puller Mile 223.0, Kingston Subdivision Moira,...: TU3-6/06-281E-PDF

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Department/Agency Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
Title Employee fatality - Total Track Railway Construction and Maintenance Services Inc. (under contract to Canadian National Railway) Nordco Grabber Model A Spike Puller Mile 223.0, Kingston Subdivision Moira, Ontario, 11 November 2006
Series title Railway investigation report R06T0281
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Transportation Safety Board of Canada [2006].
Description 15p.coloured illus., references, table
Catalogue number
  • TU3-6/06-281E-PDF
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