A review of the support provided by Veterans Affairs Canada through its Long-Term Care Program : V104-6/2013E-PDF

This review has been undertaken to provide a common basis of understanding of the Department’s current role in the funding of long-term care benefits for Veterans. It addresses three areas, namely eligibility, accessibility and the cost of the Program.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada. Office of the Veterans Ombudsman. |
Title | A review of the support provided by Veterans Affairs Canada through its Long-Term Care Program |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Electronic |
Electronic document | |
Other formats | Paper-[English | French] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Veterans Affairs Canada. May 2013. |
Description | 32p.tables |
ISBN | 978-1-100-22115-1 |
Catalogue number |
Subject terms | Veterans |
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