Profile and prospects of the biopharmaceutical industry in Atlantic Canada / by Sébastien Breau.: C89-4/85-2001E-PDF

"The present monograph...explores in greater depth the integration of biotechnologies in the pharmaceutical industry and its economic impact in Atlantic Canada. This study is part of a shared project between the CIRRD and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). It is exploratory in nature in that it investigates some of the principal developments taking place in the biopharmaceutical industry, emphasizing the industry's recent expansion in Atlantic Canada and its characteristics as well as examining various strategies to further promote its growth"--Foreword and methodology.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, issuing body.
Title Profile and prospects of the biopharmaceutical industry in Atlantic Canada / by Sébastien Breau.
Series title Maritime series. Monographs ;
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Publishing information Moncton, New Brunswick : Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 2001.
Author / Contributor Breau, Sébastien,1973- author.
Description 1 online resource (136 pages) : figures, maps, references, tables.
ISBN 0-88659-070-1
Catalogue number
  • C89-4/85-2001E-PDF
Subject terms Pharmaceutical industry
Atlantic provinces
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