Summary report from the Roundtable on Afghanistan (October 12, 2001) : Governance Scenarios and Canadian Policy Options / [by] Marketa Geislerova. : E2-429/2001E-IN

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This report summarizes discussions from an October 2001 roundtable examining governance scenarios and Canadian policy options for achieving peace and stability in Afghanistan. It describes the context of the conflict in Afghanistan and the lessons learned from failed governance and United Nations operations, and it sets out of framework for creating a climate conducive to reconciliation and arriving at a settlement among the country’s numerous factions.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development.
Title Summary report from the Roundtable on Afghanistan (October 12, 2001) : Governance Scenarios and Canadian Policy Options / [by] Marketa Geislerova.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Foreign Affairs and International Trade. [2001].
Description 16p.
ISBN 0-662-31214-7
Catalogue number
  • E2-429/2001E-IN
Departmental catalogue number 5015.1E
Subject terms Foreign policy
Nongovernmental organizations
Public administration
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