Sedimentology of Triassic siliciclastic strata, Mount Martin and Mount Merrill map areas, Yukon Territory / [by] R.B. MacNaughton. : M44-2002/A4E-IN

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Department/Agency Geological Survey of Canada.
Title Sedimentology of Triassic siliciclastic strata, Mount Martin and Mount Merrill map areas, Yukon Territory / [by] R.B. MacNaughton.
Series title Current research 20021701-43872002-A4
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) (Résumé en français.)
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Natural Resources Canada. 2002.
Description 12p.coloured maps, figs., references, photographs
ISBN 0-662-31438-7
ISSN 1701-4387
Catalogue number
  • M44-2002/A4E-IN
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