Report of the Royal Commission on Pilotage. Part V : study of Canadian pilotage, Great Lakes system / Honourable Mr. Justice Yves Bernier, chairman. : Z1-1962/2-5E-PDF

"Part V concludes the Report of this Royal Commission. The framework of the full Report is outlined in the General Introduction, Part I, pp. xxv-vi. Part. I is a study of the present state of pilotage legislation in Canada and contains the Commission's Recommendations of a general character. Part V, like Parts II, III and IV, is complementary to Part I and should be read in conjunction with it but, at the same time, it is also a separate report. Part I, is a study of the general pilotage provisions contained in Part VI C .S.A. ; Part V studies in their circumstantial context the ad hoc provisions for pilotage, in the Great Lakes system which were introduced in 1960 as Part VIA C.S.A."--Introduction, p.15 of 409.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Privy Council Office.
Title Report of the Royal Commission on Pilotage. Part V : study of Canadian pilotage, Great Lakes system / Honourable Mr. Justice Yves Bernier, chairman.
Variant title Study of Canadian pilotage
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Historical publication digitized in 2008 by Privy Council Office of Canada.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Privy Council Office 1971.
Description 165, 163, 81p.fig., graphs, tables
Catalogue number
  • Z1-1962/2-5E-PDF
Subject terms Commissions of inquiry
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