Regulatory decision document .: H113-6E-PDF

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Decision documents are used to announce the Agency's final decision concerning an application for a new active ingredient, a major new use of an existing active ingredient, or a special review. Decision documents normally follow a Proposed Regulatory Decision Document (PRDD). The document summarizes the comments received during the consultation period and explains how the comments affected the final decision.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Pest Management Regulatory Agency.
Title Regulatory decision document .
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Other formats Paper-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa : Health Canada, 1999-2007.
Chronology Began with RDD99-01; ceased with RDD2007-01.
Frequency Irregular
Catalogue number
  • H113-6E-PDF
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