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857 issues for "Treaty series " sorted by catalogue number descending
- Science : arrangement between the Government of Canada and the European Space Agency concerning the participation by the Government of Canada in the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Space Component Programme, Paris, 29 November 2012, in force 29 November 2012 FR4-2012/30 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/30ISBN:978-1-100-54494-6ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Taxation : Agreement between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica for the exchange of information with respect to tax matters, Roseau, 29 June 2010, entry into force 10 January 2012 FR4-2012/3 Date:c2012.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/3ISBN:978-1-100-54386-4ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Science : arrangement between the Government of Canada and the European Space Agency concerning the participation by the Government of Canada in the European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences and Applications in Space, Paris, 29 November 2012, entry into force 29 November 2012 FR4-2012/29 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/29ISBN:978-1-100-54493-9ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Science : Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the European Space Agency concerning the participation by the Government of Canada in the European Space Exploration Programme “Aurora”, Paris, 29 November 2012, entry into force 29 November 2012 FR4-2012/28 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/28ISBN:978-1-100-54492-2ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Science : Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the European Space Agency concerning the Participation by the Government of Canada in the Earth Observation Envelope Programme, Paris, 29 November 2012, entry into force 29 November 2012 FR4-2012/27 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/27ISBN:978-1-100-54491-5ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Science : Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the European Space Agency concerning the Participation by the Government of Canada in the Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems “ARTES” Programme, Paris, 29 November 2012, entry into force 29 November 2012 FR4-2012/26 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/26ISBN:978-1-100-54489-2ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Transnational crime : Framework Agreement on Integrated Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America, Detroit, 26 May 2009, entry into force 11 October 2012 FR4-2012/25 Date:c2012.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/25ISBN:978-1-100-54445-8ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Labour : Agreement on labour cooperation between Canada and Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012 FR4-2012/24 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/24ISBN:978-1-100-54444-1ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Environment : Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012 FR4-2012/23 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/23ISBN:978-1-100-54443-4ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Commerce : Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman, 28 June 2009, entry into force 1 October 2012 FR4-2012/22 Date:c2013.Catalogue number:FR4-2012/22ISBN:978-1-100-54442-7ISSN:0317-2376Department/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
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