L'etude pan-canadienne : sur les impacts et l'adaptation à la variabilité et au changement climatique : En56-119F

The Canada Country Study looks at the social, biological, and economic impacts of climate change and potential adaptive responses for Canada. The study provides guidance for policy makers in the public and private sectors, the scientific community, and the Canadian public

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Department/Agency Canada. Environnement Canada.
Title L'etude pan-canadienne : sur les impacts et l'adaptation à la variabilité et au changement climatique
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language [French]
Other language editions Bilingual- [English | French], Bilingual- [English | French], [English]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French]
Note(s) «The Canada Country Study looks at the social, biological, and economic impacts of climate change and potential adaptive responses for Canada. The study provides guidance for policy makers in the public and private sectors, the scientific community, and the Canadian public.»
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Environnement Canada
Binding Couverture souple
Catalogue number
  • En56-119F
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