Northern River Basins Study project report : R71-49/3

The Northern River Basins Study was initiated through the Canada-Alberta-Northwest Territories Agreement Respecting the Peace-Athabasca-Slave River Basin Study, Phase II -- Technical Studies, which was signed September 27, 1991. The purpose of the Study is to understand and characterize the cumulative effects of development on the water and aquatic environment of the Study Area.--Preface

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Northern River Basins Study.
Title Northern River Basins Study project report
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language [English]
Other language editions [English]
Format Paper
Note(s) "The Northern River Basins Study was initiated through the Canada-Alberta-Northwest Territories Agreement Respecting the Peace-Athabasca-Slave River Basin Study, Phase II -- Technical Studies, which was signed September 27, 1991. The purpose of the Study is to understand and characterize the cumulative effects of development on the water and aquatic environment of the Study Area."--Preface. Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in these publications.
Publishing information Edmonton - Alberta : Northern River Basins Study
Binding Ring binding
ISSN 1192-3571
Catalogue number
  • R71-49/3
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