Information report [BC-X-series] / Issued by Pacific Forestry Centre. : Fo143-2E-MRC

Provides information related to forestry. Subjects include the use of an individual tree crown approach to extract information from high spatial resolution images, stand structure and species composition on Vancouver Island, and the potential impact of exotic forest pests in North America.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service.
Title Information report [BC-X-series] / Issued by Pacific Forestry Centre.
Publication type Series - Browse issue records
Language [English]
Format CD-ROM
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) Canadian cataloguing in publication data printed in these publication. Photocopies and microfiche of these publications are sold by MicroMedia Global Information Centre.
Publishing information Victoria - British Columbia : Natural Resources Canada. [2005?]]--.
Frequency Irregular
Catalogue number
  • Fo143-2E-MRC
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