The university-industry relationship in science and technology / by Jérôme Doutriaux and Margaret Barker. : C21-23/11

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Department/Agency Canada. Industry Canada. Micro-Economic Analysis Directorate.
Title The university-industry relationship in science and technology / by Jérôme Doutriaux and Margaret Barker.
Series title Occasional paperNo. 11, August, 1995
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English], Electronic-[French]
Note(s) Contents: Introduction.--Socio-economic impact of university-industry linkages.--Government programs to encourage university-industry working relationships.--Management of the university-industry interface.--Conclusions and recommendations.--Appendix I: Recent studies of university-industry liaison offices.--Appendix II: Recent studies of relationships between large firms and university research.--Appendix III: Recent studies of university spinoff corporations.--Bibliography.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Industry Canada. 1995.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, vii, 141p. : tables ; 23 cm.
ISBN 0-662-62098-4
Catalogue number
  • C21-23/11
Subject terms Sciences
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