Negotiations toward a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union / Chair: Hon. Rob Merrifield, P.C., M.P. : XC75-1/411-01

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Summarizes the issues under consideration in the Canada-EU CETA negotiations, describes the Committee’s meetings in Brussels and Paris, and makes recommendations to the government. The report covers two major themes: the negotiation process and the expected outcome of a Canada-EU CETA. In terns of the expected outcome, the following topics are examined: trade in goods, trade in services and labour mobility, investment protection, government procurement and intellectual property rights.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. House of Commons. Standing Committee on International Trade.
Title Negotiations toward a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union / Chair: Hon. Rob Merrifield, P.C., M.P.
Series title Report of the Standing Committee on International Trade1st report, 41st parliament, 1st session
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English], Electronic-[French]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : House of Commons. March 2012.
Binding Processed
Description English text, viii, 47p. : references ; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-0-660-67352-3
Catalogue number
  • XC75-1/411-01
Subject terms Trade agreements
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