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88 results for "Canadian-American relations" sorted by relevance descending
- Hemispheric affairs in transition - developing Canadian roles / Prepared by: Gerald Schmitz. YM32-2/451-1997E-PDF Date:September 1997.Catalogue number:YM32-2/451-1997E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Library of Parliament. Parliamentary Research Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Advancing Canadian interests in the United States : a practical guide for Canadian public officials / by Jeff Heynen and John Higginbotham; CSPS Action-Research Roundtable on Managinig Canada-US relations, chaired by Louis Ranger. SC103-3/2004E-PDF Date:2004.Catalogue number:SC103-3/2004E-PDFISBN:0-662-37939-XDepartment/Agency:Canada School of Public Service.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Building cross-border links : a compendium of Canada-US government collaboration / edited by Dieudonné Mouafo, Nadia Ponce Morales, Jeff Heynen; CSPS Action-Research Roundtable on Managing Canada-US Relations, chaired by Louis Ranger. SC103-6/2004E-PDF Date:2004.Catalogue number:SC103-6/2004E-PDFISBN:0-662-38184-XDepartment/Agency:Canada School of Public Service.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Canada-US regulatory co-operation - symposium report : October 29, 2004 / report by Bryne Purchase. PH4-16/2005E-PDF Date:2004.Catalogue number:PH4-16/2005E-PDFISBN:0-662-39264-7Department/Agency:Canada. Policy Research Initiative.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Canada-US regulatory co-operation - charting a path forward : interim report PH4-17/2005E-PDF Date:2004.Catalogue number:PH4-17/2005E-PDFISBN:0-662-39265-5Department/Agency:Canada. Policy Research Initiative.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Advancing Canadian interests in the United States : a practical guide for Canadian public officials / by Jeff Heynen and John Higginbotham; CSPS Action-Research Roundtable on Managinig Canada-US relations, chaired by Louis Ranger. SC103-3/2004 Date:2004.Catalogue number:SC103-3/2004ISBN:0-662-68367-6Department/Agency:Canada School of Public Service.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Building cross-border links : a compendium of Canada-US government collaboration / edited by Dieudonné Mouafo, Nadia Ponce Morales, Jeff Heynen; CSPS Action-Research Roundtable on Managing Canada-US Relations, chaired by Louis Ranger. SC103-6/2004 Date:2004.Catalogue number:SC103-6/2004ISBN:0-662-68449-4Department/Agency:Canada School of Public Service.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Canada-US regulatory co-operation - symposium report : October 29, 2004 / report by Bryne Purchase. PH4-16/2005 Date:2004.Catalogue number:PH4-16/2005ISBN:0-662-68691-8Department/Agency:Canada. Policy Research Initiative.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Canada-US regulatory co-operation - charting a path forward : interim report PH4-17/2005 Date:2004.Catalogue number:PH4-17/2005ISBN:0-662-68692-6Department/Agency:Canada. Policy Research Initiative.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Beyond The Border Action Plan news . BT1-33E-PDF Catalogue number:BT1-33E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Privy Council Office.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
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