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113 results for "Wood" sorted by catalogue number ascending
- Powder-post beetles in structural timber in coastal British Columbia / by D.N. Smith. A43-903/1954E-PDF Date:1954.Catalogue number:A43-903/1954E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Department of Agriculture. Science Service.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Don't move firewood : buy it locally, burn it on the site, never bring it back home A104-71/1-2008E-PDF Date:c2008.Catalogue number:A104-71/1-2008E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canadian Food Inspection Agency.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Don't move firewood : buy it locally, burn it on site A104-71/2012E-PDF Date:c2012.Catalogue number:A104-71/2012E-PDFISBN:978-1-100-19913-9Department/Agency:Canadian Food Inspection Agency.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Buying firewood? Don't get burned! C2-472/2000 Date:2000.Catalogue number:C2-472/2000ISBN:0-662-64730-0Department/Agency:Measurement Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- The decorative wall panelling industry : a new marketing approach / prepared by Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co. C23-93/1973E-PDF Catalogue number:C23-93/1973E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- A market survey of Italy, Spain, Morocco and Greece (wood products). C23-101/1977E-PDF Catalogue number:C23-101/1977E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce. Primary Wood Products Division.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Canadian international trade classification, commodity index : supplement - wood and wood materials. CS12-551/1973E-PDF Date:1973.Catalogue number:CS12-551/1973E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Statistics Canada. External Trade Division.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- CITES identification guide - tropical woods : guide to the identification of tropical woods controlled under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora = Guide d'identification CITES - bois tropicaux : guide d'identification des bois tropicaux protéges par la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages manacées d'extinction = Guía de identificación de CITES - maderas tropicales : guía de identificación de las maderas tropicales protegidas por la Convención sobre el Comercio International de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres. CW66-204/2002-PDF Date:2002.Catalogue number:CW66-204/2002-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Commerce : Exchange of Letters between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America constituting an Agreement relating to Article 2008 of the Free-Trade Agreement, on Plywood Standards = Commerce : Échange de lettres entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique constituant un Accord relatif à l'article 2008 de l'Accord de libre-échange sur les normes concernant le contreplaqué. E3-1988/48-PDF Date:1991.Catalogue number:E3-1988/48-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. External Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Commerce : Softwood Lumber Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America = Commerce : Accord sur le bois d'œuvre résineux entre le gouvernement du Canada et le gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique. E3-1996/16-PDF Date:c1997.Catalogue number:E3-1996/16-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
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