Reasons for decision in the matter of Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd., Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., Northern Canadian Marketing Inc. and East Georgia Cogeneration (Vermont)...: NE22-1/1991-13-2E-PDF

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Department/Agency Canada. National Energy Board.
Title Reasons for decision in the matter of Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd., Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., Northern Canadian Marketing Inc. and East Georgia Cogeneration (Vermont) Limited Partnership, ProGas Limited, Shell Canada Limited, Unigas Corporation, Western Gas Marketing Limited, Western Gas Marketing Limited as agent for Northern Minnesota Utilities, a division of UtiliCorp United Inc. : applications pursuant to part VI of the National Energy Board Act for licences to export natural gas. Volume II, gas exports
Variant title Variant title : Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd., Northern Canadian Marketing Inc. and East Georgia Cogeneration (Vermont) Limited Partnership, ProGas Limited, Shell Canada Limited
Series title Reasons for decision1928-6414GH-3-91
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) The catalogue number (NE22-1/1991-13-2E) and ISBN (0-662-19424-1) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Publishing information Calgary - Alberta : National Energy Board March 1992.
Description 60p.graphs, tables
ISSN 1928-6414
Catalogue number
  • NE22-1/1991-13-2E-PDF
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