How much of Canada's unemployment is structural? / by Lars Osberg and Zhengxi Lin. : CS11-0019/145E-PDF

The objective of this paper is to estimate the fraction of Canada's current unemployment that is Structural in nature... This paper adopts the definition advocated by Finance Canada: Structural unemployment occurs when workers are unable to fill available jobs because they lack the skills, do not live where jobs are available, or are unwilling to work at the wage rate offered in the market.--Introduction

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Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title How much of Canada's unemployment is structural? / by Lars Osberg and Zhengxi Lin.
Series title Analytical Studies Branch research paper series1205-9153No. 145
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) The catalogue number (11F0019MPE) and ISBN (0-660-18060-X) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada October 2000.
Description 37p.graphs, references, tables
ISSN 1205-9153
Catalogue number
  • CS11-0019/145E-PDF
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