Rural youth : stayers, leavers and return migrants / by Richard Dupuy, Francine Mayer and René Morissette. : CS11-0019/152E-PDF

This paper has documented migration patterns in rural and urban areas during the 1990s... Because of a lack of appropriate data at the national level, it has not investigated the factors which underlie migration and return migration patterns.--Page 30

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Department/Agency Statistics Canada.
Title Rural youth : stayers, leavers and return migrants / by Richard Dupuy, Francine Mayer and René Morissette.
Series title Analytical Studies Branch research paper series1205-9153No. 152
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English]
Note(s) The catalogue number (11F0019MPE) and ISBN (0-660-18250-5) for the print edition have been incorrectly copied in this electronic publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada September 5, 2000.
Description 183p.references, tables
ISSN 1205-9153
Catalogue number
  • CS11-0019/152E-PDF
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