Main-track collision between Canadian National Train No. 417 and Canadian National Train No. 342 Mile 112.1, Edson Subdivision Peers, Alberta, 27 October 2007 : TU3-6/07-129E-PDF

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Department/Agency Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
Title Main-track collision between Canadian National Train No. 417 and Canadian National Train No. 342 Mile 112.1, Edson Subdivision Peers, Alberta, 27 October 2007
Series title Railway investigation report R07E0129
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Transportation Safety Board of Canada [2007].
Description 22p.coloured illus., figs., references
Catalogue number
  • TU3-6/07-129E-PDF
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