Ecological classification of Saskatchewan's mid-boreal ecoregions using resource maps and aerial photographs / [by] J.D. Beckingham, V.A. Futoransky, and I.G.W. Corns. : Fo29-34/14-1999E

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Five air photo stereograms representing landscape profiles of a wide range of ecological site conditions (ecosites) in the boreal mixedwood ecoregions of Saskatchewan are presented. Procedures are described to identify and map mixedwood ecosites using five sources of existing information including: ecoregion maps, an ecological classification field guide, forest inventory maps, soil survey maps and reports, and aerial photographs, with dichotomous keys. Ecosites described in detail in the companion Saskatchewan ecosite classification field guide are characterized in this book by attributes described in these five resource information sources. Also included are a glossary of technical terms, and appendixes listing ecosites, ecosite phases, plant community types, and soil types of the Saskatchewan mixed-wood ecoregions, information on boreal tree silvics, soil mapping associations, and the correspondence of ecosites and forest inventory map units.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service.
Title Ecological classification of Saskatchewan's mid-boreal ecoregions using resource maps and aerial photographs / [by] J.D. Beckingham, V.A. Futoransky, and I.G.W. Corns.
Series title Special report1188-741914
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Paper
Note(s) (Résumé en français.)
Publishing information Natural Resources Canada. 1999.
Binding Ring binding
Description vi, 83p. : glossary, graphs, illus., maps, references, tables, photographs, index ; 29 cm.
ISBN 0-660-17864-8
ISSN 1188-7419
Catalogue number
  • Fo29-34/14-1999E
Subject terms Classification
Geological maps
Terrestrial ecosystems
Western provinces
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