Analysis of options for gratis distribution of allowances / by Erik Haites and Robert Hornung. : En133-5/3-1999E

This paper deals with gratis distribution of allowances in a cap and trade system and the allocation of emission rights implicit in a credit trading system.--Introduction

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Publication information
Department/Agency National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (Canada)
Title Analysis of options for gratis distribution of allowances / by Erik Haites and Robert Hornung.
Series title Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading technical paper series
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Note(s) "This paper deals with gratis distribution of allowances in a cap and trade system and the allocation of emission rights implicit in a credit trading system."--Introduction.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy 1999.
Binding Spiral binding
Description iv, 21p. : references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 1-895643-82-1
Catalogue number
  • En133-5/3-1999E
Subject terms Environment
Environmental management
Pollution control
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