Assessment of drilling waste disposal options in the Invialuit Settlement Region / by AMEC Earth and Environmental. : NE22-4/173E

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The objective of this study was to prepare a comprehensive report on the assessment of land-based drilling waste disposal options applicable to the oil and gas industry in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Natural Resources Canada.
Title Assessment of drilling waste disposal options in the Invialuit Settlement Region / by AMEC Earth and Environmental.
Series title Environmental Studies Research Funds0837-1652173
Publication type Series - View Master Record
Language [English]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Note(s) (Résumé en français.)
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Natural Resources Canada December 2009, c2010.
Binding Softcover
Description in various pagings. : figs., maps, references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-921652-92-5
ISSN 0837-1652
Catalogue number
  • NE22-4/173E
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