We all have a role to play in gun control / Issued by Communications and Consultation Branch. : J2-114/1992E

Produced by the Government of Canada in partnership with the provinces and territories, with special thanks to the Canadian police community.--Page 1

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Justice Canada. Communications and Consultation Branch.
Title We all have a role to play in gun control / Issued by Communications and Consultation Branch.
Variant title Additional title (within publication) : Canada's new gun control law
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "Produced by the Government of Canada in partnership with the provinces and territories, with special thanks to the Canadian police community."--Page 1. On cover: Aiming for safety. N.B.: Incorrect ISBN (0-662-11905-7) printed in this publication.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Justice Canada. 1992.
Binding Newspaper
Description 4p. ; 54 cm.
ISBN 0-662-19905-7
Catalogue number
  • J2-114/1992E
Subject terms Firearms
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