Monitoring quality of life in Canadian communities : an annotated bibliography / by Judy Bates et al. : NH15-170/1996E

This Annotated Bibliography reviews the literature on Quality of Life (QOL) at the community level with a special emphasis on Canadian publications. While landmark studies from the 1970s are included, the emphasis is placed on the more recent literature from the 1980s and 1990s. The report reviews how QOL has been conceptualized and how definitions have changed over time, identifies the areas or domains commonly examined and the indicators or measures most often used in each domain, and, examines the relationships between objective and subjective indicators found in previous studies.--Page i

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Title Monitoring quality of life in Canadian communities : an annotated bibliography / by Judy Bates et al.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Note(s) "This Annotated Bibliography reviews the literature on Quality of Life (QOL) at the community level with a special emphasis on Canadian publications. While landmark studies from the 1970s are included, the emphasis is placed on the more recent literature from the 1980s and 1990s. The report reviews how QOL has been conceptualized and how definitions have changed over time, identifies the areas or domains commonly examined and the indicators or measures most often used in each domain, and, examines the relationships between objective and subjective indicators found in previous studies."--Page i.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 1997.
Binding Softcover
Description iv, 42p. ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-660-16908-8
Catalogue number
  • NH15-170/1996E
Subject terms Quality of life
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