A soil profile and organic carbon data base for Canadian forest and tundra mineral soils / [by] R. M. Siltanen ... [et al.] Issued by the Northern Forestry Centre. : Fo42-271/1997E

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The Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian forest sector required initial estimates of carbon content in soils for each of the ecoclimatic regions of Canada. An analytical data base of soil profile and horizon characteristics was compiled from published and unpublished soil survey reports, inventories, and research data from companies, governments, and universities to represent the common forest and tundra mineral soil conditions across Canada. The data base was arranged to facilitate data handling and analysis to examine the role of different parameters in the carbon dynamics of Canadian soils.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service.
Title A soil profile and organic carbon data base for Canadian forest and tundra mineral soils / [by] R. M. Siltanen ... [et al.] Issued by the Northern Forestry Centre.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Note(s) (Résumé en français.)
Publishing information Edmonton - Alberta : Natural Resources Canada. 1997.
Binding Softcover
Description vi, 50p. + 1 floppy disk. : coloured map, graphs, illus., references, tables ; 28 cm. + Disk: The file SPDFILES.EXE is a self-extracting archive containing the data base files referred to in the report.
ISBN 0-662-26125-9
Catalogue number
  • Fo42-271/1997E
Subject terms Forests
Soil quality
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