Indoor air quality : tools for schools Action Kit for Canadian schools : H46-2/03-292E

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The IAQ Action Kit is a practical tool to help school boards, principals and their management teams, and school employees understand and address indoor air quality (IAQ) problems.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Health Canada. Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch.
Title Indoor air quality : tools for schools Action Kit for Canadian schools
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Note(s) "The IAQ Action Kit is a practical tool to help school boards, principals and their management teams, and school employees understand and address indoor air quality (IAQ) problems."--Introduction.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Health Canada. 2003.
Binding Kit
Description Various pagings. : tables ; 30 cm.
ISBN 0-662-33401-9
Catalogue number
  • H46-2/03-292E
Subject terms Air quality
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