Small fishing vessel safety manual : T31-67/2003E

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For the crew of a fishing vessel, safety must be given top priority. Attention to safety will save lives, protect the vessel from damage, prevent serious injuries, and protect the environment. The Masters or Operators of all fishing vessels have a duty to continuously train their crews for safety. This handbook provides information on safety on small fishing vessels (under 24 metres), and is intended primarily for vessels where the Master or Operator does not hold a certificate of competency or has limited vocational training.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Transport Canada. Marine Safety.
Title Small fishing vessel safety manual
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Transport Canada. 2003.
Binding Softcover
Description v, 93p. : coloured illus., figs., tables ; 24 cm.
ISBN 0-662-33826-X
Catalogue number
  • T31-67/2003E
Departmental catalogue number TP10038E (03/2003)
Subject terms Fishing ships
Marine safety
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