Canada and the Great War 1914-1918 - a nation born : an educational resource : V32-130/2006E

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This teacher’s guide will provide the teacher with many sources from which to base a project or unit on Canada in the First World War. It includes fact sheets on many aspects of Canada overseas and at home; introductions and exercises associated with the two videos; samples of Canadian war art; war poetry and songs; plus primary sources, appendices, questions and activities for the teacher and a full list of further resources. These will round out a comprehensive package for intermediate and high school classes, either as supplementary material to Canadian Studies, History, Political Studies, English, and Art, or in association with programming around Remembrance Day.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada.
Title Canada and the Great War 1914-1918 - a nation born : an educational resource
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Publishing information Charlottetown - Prince Edward Island : Veterans Affairs Canada 2006.
Binding Binder
Description 158p. : coloured illus., references ; 29 cm. + 2 VHS video cassettes, 1 CD-ROM, 2 coloured posters.
ISBN 0-662-42602-9
Catalogue number
  • V32-130/2006E
Subject terms World war, 1914-1918
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