Her own way : a woman's guide to safe and successful travel / by Evelyn Hannon for the Consular Affairs Bureau. : FR5-4/2006E

From young university students to energetic grandmothers, this booklet's aim is to inform women on how to travel safely. It stresses the importance of being culturally sensitive and provides tips on everything from health, packing light, and networking to coping with foreign bathrooms and travelling with children.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. |
Title | Her own way : a woman's guide to safe and successful travel / by Evelyn Hannon for the Consular Affairs Bureau. |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | [English] |
Other language editions | [French] |
Format | Paper |
Other formats | Electronic-[English] |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : Foreign Affairs and International Trade 2006. |
Binding | Softcover |
Description | 32p. : coloured illus. ; 16 cm. |
ISBN | 0-662-43993-7 |
Catalogue number |
Edition | Revision: August 2006 |
Subject terms | Travel Women |
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