Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - economic backgrounder : Canadian business risk management programs : A34-5/2007E

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This Economic Backgrounder provides historical information on Business Risk Management Programming under the Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), including a description of the programs, spending trends and changes that have been made to respond to industry concerns.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Strategic Policy Branch.
Title Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - economic backgrounder : Canadian business risk management programs
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2007.
Binding Softcover
Description 11p. : graphs, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-0-662-44827-3
Catalogue number
  • A34-5/2007E
Departmental catalogue number AAFC No. 10212E
Subject terms Risk management
Agricultural policy
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