The Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program : Systems Development Component : delivering safe, high-quality food at home and abroad : A22-382/2004

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This booklet describes the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program’s Systems Development Component, which provides funding to Canadian agriculture and agri-food organizations for the development of food safety and food quality process-control systems. The booklet outlines the goals of the program and describes the kinds of organizations, projects, and expenditures that are eligible for funding. The information on assessment of applications summarizes the objectives, principles, and criteria.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Title The Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program : Systems Development Component : delivering safe, high-quality food at home and abroad
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2004.
Binding Softcover
Description English text, 12p. : photographs ; 20 cm.
ISBN 0-662-68042-1
Catalogue number
  • A22-382/2004
Departmental catalogue number AAFC No. 2254B
Subject terms Federal programs
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