Preservation of electronic records : new knowledge and decision-making - postprints of a conference : NM95-59/12-2005E

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These symposium proceedings deal with one of the latest challenges facing the conservation and heritage communities—electronic record preservation. Papers are organized under five categories: appraisal of electronic records; authenticity of electronic records; developing a preservation strategy for electronic records; preservation strategies for electronic records; and media knowledge. The symposium held in Ottawa in 2003.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Canadian Heritage. Canadian Conservation Institute.
Title Preservation of electronic records : new knowledge and decision-making - postprints of a conference
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[English]
Note(s) "Symposium 2003 ... Ottawa, Canada, September 15-18, 2003, organized by the Canadian Conservation Institute, Library and Archives Canada, Heritage Information Network".
Prefactory texts in English and French, articles in English with abstract in French.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Heritage. 2004.
Binding Softcover
Description vi, 221p. : figs., references, tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 0-662-68620-9
Catalogue number
  • NM95-59/12-2005E
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