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57 results for "Peacekeeping" sorted by relevance descending
- Biennial review, International Peace Operations Branch PS61-10E-PDF Catalogue number:PS61-10E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. International Peace Operations Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Peacekeeping biennial review JS61-11E-PDF Catalogue number:JS61-11E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. International Peacekeeping Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- International Peacekeeping Branch review PS61-10E-pdf Catalogue number:PS61-10E-pdfDepartment/Agency:Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. International Peacekeeping Branch.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- The Canadian Forces in Afghanistan V32-162/3-2006 Date:2006.Catalogue number:V32-162/3-2006ISBN:0-662-69622-0Department/Agency:Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Peacekeeping 1815 to today : proceedings of the XXIst Colloquium of the International Commission of Military History, 20-26 August 1995, Quebec City D63-3/2-1995 Date:1996.Catalogue number:D63-3/2-1995ISBN:0-662-62062-3Department/Agency:Canada. Department of National Defence.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Peacekeeping biennial review, 2001-2003 JS61-11/2003 Date:2004.Catalogue number:JS61-11/2003ISBN:0-662-67853-2Department/Agency:Canada. Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police as civilian police officers in United Nations peace missions : assessment and perspectives: final report / by Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf. Issued by the Training Directorate. JS66-22/1994E Date:1994.Catalogue number:JS66-22/1994EISBN:0-662-23856-7Department/Agency:Canada. Solicitor General Canada. Canadian Police College.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Canadian provincial and municipal police forces on United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti / by Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf. JS66-28/1997E Date:1997.Catalogue number:JS66-28/1997EISBN:0-662-26065-1Department/Agency:Canada. Solicitor General Canada. Canadian Police College.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Statement by the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Honourable Douglas Young, Minister of National Defence on the implementation of the Zaire Mission : Ottawa, November 28, 1996 E54-10/96-51E Catalogue number:E54-10/96-51EDepartment/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Notes for an address by the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the second annual NGO consultations on peacebuilding : Ottawa, Ontario, February 18, 1998 E54-10/98-10E Catalogue number:E54-10/98-10EDepartment/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
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