Flight safety for the Canadian Forces / issued by the Chief of the Air Staff on the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff. : D2-189/2007

This manual outlines the flight safety program for the Canadian Forces’ aviation operational and support staff. The manual covers the organization and responsibilities of strategic, operational, and tactical flight personnel; education and training programs; prevention activities and preventative measures; promotional activities; reporting of potential risks and actual occurrences; and procedures for post-occurrences. Includes a flight safety survey checklist, an award nomination form, sample reports, and a list of abbreviations.
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Department/Agency | Canada. Department of National Defence. |
Title | Flight safety for the Canadian Forces / issued by the Chief of the Air Staff on the authority of the Chief of the Defence Staff. |
Publication type | Monograph |
Language | Bilingual-[English | French] |
Format | Paper |
Other formats | Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English] |
Note(s) | "This publication supersedes A-GA-135-001/AA-001 dated 2002-12-02. The official and most current version of A-GA-135 is available electronically on the DFS Internet website."--p. ix. |
Publishing information | Ottawa - Ontario : National Defence 2007. |
Binding | Binder |
Description | In various pagings. : tables ; 29 cm. |
Catalogue number |
Departmental catalogue number | A-GA-135-001/AA-001 |
Subject terms | Air safety Military aviation |
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