Capacity, collaboration and culture – the future of the policy research function in the Government of Canada / [By] Thomas Townshend and Bob Kunimoto. : PH4-52/2009

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The purpose is to develop a better understanding of the policy research function in the federal government and its potential to help address the challenges and opportunities of the future. It provides a snap shot of the policy research community, and a view of how the function can be better organized to achieve its potential. It explores how forces of change are affecting the conduct of policy research; the future of the function and the changing nature of policy research work; the composition of the policy research workforce, and the projected competencies for future policy researchers.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Policy Research Initiative.
Title Capacity, collaboration and culture – the future of the policy research function in the Government of Canada / [By] Thomas Townshend and Bob Kunimoto.
Publication type Monograph
Language Bilingual-[English | French]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Policy Research Initiative March 2009.
Binding Spiral binding
Description English text, 44p. : fig., references ; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-0-662-06617-0
Catalogue number
  • PH4-52/2009
Subject terms Government policy
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