Report from the Third Consensus Conference on Health Indicators / produced in collaboration with Statistics Canada. : H118-61/2009

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Presents the results of the 3rd Consensus Conference on Health Indicators that was convened in March 2009, including information that was presented at the conference, a summary of the consultation process leading up to the event, and the priority health areas deemed most important for future indicator development work.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Title Report from the Third Consensus Conference on Health Indicators / produced in collaboration with Statistics Canada.
Variant title At head of title : The Health Indicators Project
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Format Paper
Other formats Electronic-[French], Electronic-[English]
Parallel description [French]
Note(s) Also published by Statistics Canada under Statistics Canada catalogue number 82-230-X.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Canadian Institute for Health Information c2009.
Binding Spiral binding
Description English text, 27p. : tables ; 28 cm.
ISBN 978-1-55465-681-3
Catalogue number
  • H118-61/2009
Subject terms Health indicators
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