Literacy utilization in Canadian workplaces [highlights] / by Professors Harvey Krahn and Graham S. Lowe. : CS89-0103E-PDF

Examines the fit or mismatch between the job requirements of Canadian workers and their literacy skills, thus profiling patterns of literacy usage and under- usage in the Canadian labour market.C

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Publication information
Department/Agency Department of Sociology, University of Alberta.
Statistics Canada.
Title Literacy utilization in Canadian workplaces [highlights] / by Professors Harvey Krahn and Graham S. Lowe.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) These highlights summarize the report of the International adult literacy survey, Literacy utilization in Canadian workplaces, Catalogue number CS89-552/4E.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Statistics Canada 1998.
Description 9p.tables
Catalogue number
  • CS89-0103E-PDF
Subject terms Literacy
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