Skills for innovation and growth : overview of key findings and policy implications of the Skills Research Initiative / prepared by Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch, Industry Canada and Policy Research...: Iu4-127/1-2008E-PDF

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Summarizes the key findings of the Skills Research Initiative and their policy implications. It is based on three synthesis reports discussing research on the themes of "Labour Market and Skills Implications of Population Aging in Canada", “International Mobility of Highly Skilled Workers" and "Adjustments in Markets for Skilled Workers in Canada" (the third report also covers the theme of "Employer-sponsored training in Canada”).

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Industry Canada.
Title Skills for innovation and growth : overview of key findings and policy implications of the Skills Research Initiative / prepared by Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch, Industry Canada and Policy Research Directorate, Human Resources and Social Development Canada.
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Other formats Paper-[English | French]
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Industry Canada 2008.
Description 15p.coloured figs.
ISBN 978-0-662-47896-6
Catalogue number
  • Iu4-127/1-2008E-PDF
Subject terms Skills
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