Action plans of the federal government in response to the National Forest Strategy : M4-115/1999E-PDF

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Department/Agency Canada. Natural Resources Canada.
Title Action plans of the federal government in response to the National Forest Strategy
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) "During the National Forest Congress of 1998, the second Canada Forest Accord was signed by the leaders of government and non-government organizations which make up the National Forest Strategy Coalition. By signing this Accord on behalf of the federal government, I made a commitment to prepare a federal response to the National Forest Strategy. This is the intent of the present document."--Page 3 of 137, Foreword by the Minister of Natural Resources Canada.
Publishing information Ottawa - Ontario : Natural Resources Canada 1999.
Description 137p.
Catalogue number
  • M4-115/1999E-PDF
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