Murray River coal project : environmental assessment report.: En106-155/2016E-PDF

"HD Mining International Ltd. (the proponent) proposes to construct, operate, and decommission an underground metallurgical coal mine located 12.5 kilometers south of Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia (B.C.). The Murray River Coal Project (the Project) would include an underground mine and associated works; waste rock storage facilities; coal rejects storage area; water management structures; coal handling and preparation facilities; rail load-out; sewage treatment and disposal facilities; and an electricity transmission line and a natural gas pipeline, each connecting to existing infrastructure. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) conducted an environmental assessment (EA) of the Project in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012). This EA Report summarizes the environmental assessment conducted by the Agency, including the information and analysis on the potential environmental effects of the Project considered by the Agency and the Agency’s conclusions on whether the Project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, after taking into account the implementation of mitigation measures. The Agency prepared this report in consultation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada, and Natural Resources Canada, following a review of the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement by the Agency, departments, Aboriginal groups and the public”--Cf. Executive summary, p. ii.

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Publication information
Department/Agency Canada. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.
Title Murray River coal project : environmental assessment report.
Variant title Environmental assessment report - Murray River coal project
Publication type Monograph
Language [English]
Other language editions [French]
Format Electronic
Electronic document
Note(s) Issued also in French under title: Projet de mine de charbon de la rivière Murray : rapport d’évaluation environnementale.
Cover title.
"October 2016."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 139).
Publishing information [Ottawa] : Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, 2016.
Description x, 217 p. : col. maps
ISBN 978-0-660-06482-6
Catalogue number
  • En106-155/2016E-PDF
Subject terms Mining industry
Environmental impact assessment
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