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31 results for "Natural disasters" sorted by catalogue number ascending
- Report on cross-Canada consultations in response to the tsunami of December 26, 2004 Ci51-185/2005E-PDF Date:2005.Catalogue number:Ci51-185/2005E-PDFISBN:0-662-39573-5Department/Agency:Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Severe storms : self-help advice / Issued jointly by Environment Canada. D82-27/1997E Date:1997.Catalogue number:D82-27/1997EISBN:0-662-25407-4Department/Agency:Canada. Emergency Preparedness Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Severe storms / produced by the Government of Canada's Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness in cooperation with Environment Canada. D82-27/2001-1E-IN Date:c2003.Catalogue number:D82-27/2001-1E-INISBN:0-662-32258-4Department/Agency:Canada. Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Floods: what to do before and after : self-help advice / Issued jointly by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. D82-34/1997E Date:1997.Catalogue number:D82-34/1997EISBN:0-662-25617-4Department/Agency:Canada. Emergency Preparedness Canada.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- Tsunami runup mapping as an emergency preparedness planning tool : the 1929 tsunami in St. Lawrence, Newfoundland - volume 1 / by Alan Ruffman. D82-41/1-1996E-PDF Date:November 1996.Catalogue number:D82-41/1-1996E-PDFDepartment/Agency:Canada. Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness.Publication type:MonographFormat:PDF
- Environmental refugees? / by Robert T. Stranks. E54-17/17-1997E Date:1997.Catalogue number:E54-17/17-1997EDepartment/Agency:Canada. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- National environmental emergencies contingency plan. En40-584/1999 Date:1999.Catalogue number:En40-584/1999ISBN:0-662-83996-XDepartment/Agency:Canada. Environment Canada. Environmental Emergencies Program.Publication type:MonographFormat:Paper
- A climatological account of the January 1998 Ice Storm in Quebec : scientific report / by Jennifer Milton and Alain Bourque. En57-34/1-1999E Date:1999.Catalogue number:En57-34/1-1999EISBN:0-660-17764-1Department/Agency:Canada. Atmospheric Environment Service.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
- Mitigating the impacts of severe weather . FA1-2/2016-1-2E-PDF Date:c2016.Catalogue number:FA1-2/2016-1-2E-PDFISBN:978-0-660-05167-3Department/Agency:Canada. Office of the Auditor General.Publication type:SeriesFormat:PDF
- Mitigating the impacts of severe weather. FA1-2/2016-1-2E Date:c2016.Catalogue number:FA1-2/2016-1-2EISBN:978-0-660-05166-6Department/Agency:Canada. Office of the Auditor General.Publication type:SeriesFormat:Paper
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